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Unser Haputanga-Angebot

Unlike a regular romiromi treatment, hapūtanga bodywork involves massage. A specially prepared balm is applied to the skin, so māmā will be asked to undress down to underwear, and large towels will be used for comfort and cover.


Throughout the session, any tension, stress or blockages that may be present in the physical, emotional or energetic bodies are gently encouraged to shift as the legs, hips, back, shoulders, arms and neck are massaged. Pressure points are activated on the face/around the jaw, and the session ends with a gentle massage of māmā’s puku/kōpū, which also serves as a gentle massage for pēpi. 


A purpose-fit hapūtanga table means māmā can lie on their puku - even in the final weeks/days of pregnancy - and feel completely held and supported while receiving treatment.


Māmā leave these sessions feeling more tau (settled), and often notice their pēpi relax into the treatment too.

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Treffen Sie Amellia 

Stellen Sie Amellia kurz vor, einschließlich ihrer Fachkenntnisse, und erklären Sie, dass sie Ihre Spezialistin auf diesem Gebiet ist. 

FAP - Frequently Asked Pātai

P. From what gestation can I receive hapūtanga treatment?

W. Hapūtanga work can be commenced after 20 weeks’ gestation


P. What if I have a medical condition/complication of pregnancy? Can I still receive this treatment?

W. There aren’t any contraindications to receiving rongoā Māori. It is a gentle treatment, but if the condition/complication is severe, or you’re unsure, call/txt us on 022 369 6761 to have a kōrero before we book you in.


P. I had a traumatic previous birth and I’m currently pregnant. Can this treatment help reduce the anxiety/fear I’m feeling about the next birth?

W. Absolutely. During your sessions, your practitioner will be holding space for you to acknowledge whatever comes up emotionally/psychologically/spiritually/energetically. This is an opportunity for you to attend to your own healing and we encourage any emotions that might arise during a session to be expressed and released.


P. My baby is breech. Is this treatment safe for me and/or can this modality help to turn my baby head down?

W. This treatment is absolutely safe for pēpi in the breech position! We would love to support you and your pēpi to connect on a deeper level and explore why they might be breech. From here, we can discuss what might help your baby to turn head down.


P. I’m not Māori. Can I still receive this treatment?

W. Āe! All māmā and pēpi are welcome in our whare hauora, whether you whakapapa Māori, or your ancestors hail from the other side of the world. An open heart and mind are the only pre-requisites.


P. How many treatments will I need?

W. This is entirely individual and will depend on what you are wanting to achieve. For some wāhine, these sessions are about pure relaxation, whereas others may be coming along with a particular issue they’d like to address. There is no minimum or maximum number of treatments and we encourage wāhine to feel into this for themselves.


P. How much does a treatment cost?

W. We are lucky to be supported to provide all haputanaga and post partum treatments free of charge. If you are looking for a gift we do also have vouchers $150 for a 90 minute treatment. 

In Kontakt kommen

Wenn Sie mehr erfahren oder einen Termin für ein Treffen mit Amellia vereinbaren möchten, geben Sie bitte unten Ihre Daten ein und wir werden uns bei Ihnen melden. 

Oder wenn Sie uns lieber anrufen möchten, tun Sie dies bitte weiter022 369 6761

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